Freedom Is A Birth Right (A Love Letter to Haitians)

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.

This love letter is part of a series written in response to the United States’ treatment of Haitian migrants seeking asylum at the US border.

By Lindo Yes

When I see you

I realize my want for freedom

Has always been a need for freedom

Never an ask

A demand 

that is a birthright

We are right

with you

With thoughts and prayers,

there will be actions of liberations

Any soil that touches your skin

That land is yours 

As for sure

As the sea is to the shore

These undeniable rights  

Will not be left to negotiate 

By politicians or oppressors 

Your life is not to be discounted

Your worth is not a bargain

Your culture, not for sale

We know this

Even when we don’t know you

Your existence 

Is enough for us 

To love you

So we put our sight on your liberation 

Allowing no one to vision any other future 

Than you being as free as your birthright to be