Black Women Find Play and Community with New Approaches to Wellness in Philadelphia

“Sometimes it was intimidating being in a space where people were already super buff, throwing around this equipment with these loud noises – and then it’s just little old me,” said Briana Thomas, who works out as part of the Get Mo Phit program. In response, Green-Smith says, “as Black women so often do, we find a way” to find solutions and approaches that work culturally and create safe spaces where Black women feel comfortable, in contrast with a fitness industry where less than 10 percent of instructors are Black.

This Short Film About A Philly Sports Team’s Protest Reminds Us to Say Sonya Massey’s Name

On this, the first day of the Paris Olympics, and in the wake of this week’s amplified awareness around the death of Sonya Massey, I am reminded of this team of young Black girls, ranging in age from 5 to 19, and their activism for Black Women and Girls.This film shows us what love looks like when it’s put into action in the midst of turmoil and uncertainty. It’s not just warm feelings and kind words. It’s empowerment. It’s education. It’s standing up and speaking out, even when your voice shakes.

Youth Sports Initiative Inspires Hope in Camden

In an era where kids are overexposed and learning about life at a faster pace, seeing people who live and look like them doing good things, helps young people see themselves and their city in a positive and promising light.