This Short Film About A Philly Sports Team’s Protest Reminds Us to Say Sonya Massey’s Name

On this, the first day of the Paris Olympics, and in the wake of this week’s amplified awareness around the death of Sonya Massey, I am reminded of this team of young Black girls, ranging in age from 5 to 19, and their activism for Black Women and Girls.This film shows us what love looks like when it’s put into action in the midst of turmoil and uncertainty. It’s not just warm feelings and kind words. It’s empowerment. It’s education. It’s standing up and speaking out, even when your voice shakes.

Seven Modest Weapons 

A poignant poem “Seven Modest Weapons” by Lyrispect, reflects on the tragic death of Eddie Irizarry Jr. amidst systemic injustice. Uncover the artist’s compelling narrative against police brutality, emphasizing the need to humanize victims and hold law enforcement accountable. A powerful piece capturing the essence of tragedy, grief, and the fight for justice.

Love & Rage: Alchemizing Your Emotions for Justice  

Navigate the complexities of love and rage amid ongoing struggles for justice. Explore the impact of systemic issues on underserved communities and learn how to transform emotions into constructive action. Avoid toxic media practices, embrace participatory design, and discover Philadelphia organizations dedicated to addressing police and community relations. Channel rage into meaningful efforts for lasting systemic change.