Yes, and?: Philadelphia’s Gen Z Voters aren’t taking just “Yes” for an answer

For young people entering their first or second election cycle, it can be easy to miss the hard work being done to address the day-to-day issues Americans are facing when its opposite is dominating the media.The importance of optimism in young voters is not something that can be understated, arguably, because their support is some of the most needed.
Dance challenges, deepfakes and discrimination: The deal with AI and personal safety

When you consider some of the more high-profile ways artificial intelligence has gone rogue, it might leave you wondering if the technology is truly ready for prime time.
Love & Release: The Cry Log

For some time, though, I resisted this truth about myself. I wanted to put distance between myself and stereotypes of women of color as being unable to handle their emotions. I thought that crying meant I was volatile and unstable. I considered bursting into tears to be a weakness, to be something embarrassing and unwanted. And people told me this, too, saying I needed to grow a thicker skin because I was “too sensitive” and thus “illogical.”