Words Beats And Life’s “Alt Spring Break” Web Series Comes to Philly: A Conversation with Love Now Media’s CEO Jos Duncan Asé

Like many leaders, Jos Duncan Asé’s origin story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. She faced significant adversities, such as the loss of her father and her mother’s battle with addiction. With the support of family and community members, these hardships molded her into a change agent, determined to make a positive difference in her community. 

Loving Myself As I Am: Aziza Shuler in Her Own Words

I come from a lineage of women who’ve grappled with the complexities of love, a theme that has deeply shaped my own journey. At the heart of this narrative lies the absence of a mother’s love, a defining element passed down through generations. This absence, in turn, led me to a realization: one of the most powerful forces in the universe is a mother’s love.

Dreams In Smoke

“Dreams in Smoke” is a reflection on the impact of genocide. Through evocative language and vivid imagery, the poem explores the tragic consequences of conflict, leaving readers with a sobering reminder of the human cost of violence and the enduring search for hope amidst despair.

Building Hope in Philadelphia Neighborhoods Under Siege – MindSite News

Former student Jadera Wright walks past the school’s familiar painted logo and flyers for construction apprenticeship programs, AmeriCorps assignments and notices for licensing tests. Wright, a recent YouthBuild Philly graduate who is currently working in security, smiles as she greets former classmates and people like the school’s lead social worker, Samantha Cranford, or Miss Sam as she’s known to her students.

PA 211 Helpline: An Under-Sourced “Resource” for Returning Citizens 

Explore how PA 211 Helpline by United Way supports returning citizens in Philadelphia, providing reentry resources 24/7. Uncover the challenges faced by those leaving prison and the need for inclusive community support. Learn about the initiative’s potential to reduce recidivism and uplift individuals after incarceration.

Black Reverence Chair, a Ritual for Joy and Affirmation

Explore the transformative ritual of the Black Reverence Chair, a gathering fostering joy and affirmation amid the trauma of state-sanctioned anti-Black violence. Learn about its origins, the power of celebratory witness, and the creation of an energetic archive to counter narratives of brutality. Join the movement for healing and communal celebration.

DecolonizePhilly’s ‘Fight for A Land Revolution’ at WURD Radio’s ecoFEST

Explore the fusion of community and activism at WURD Radio’s ecoFEST, a celebration of environmental justice. Learn about DecolonizePhilly’s ‘Fight for A Land Revolution,’ advocating for land reform and addressing systemic disparities. Anchored in love and resilience, ecoFEST is a transformative movement redefining narratives for Black and Brown communities in the era of climate change and societal injustices.

Seven Modest Weapons 

A poignant poem “Seven Modest Weapons” by Lyrispect, reflects on the tragic death of Eddie Irizarry Jr. amidst systemic injustice. Uncover the artist’s compelling narrative against police brutality, emphasizing the need to humanize victims and hold law enforcement accountable. A powerful piece capturing the essence of tragedy, grief, and the fight for justice.