Journalism’s next disruptor: Love

by Jennifer Brandel

Love Now Media’s work has been featured in the Nieman Lab’s latest article, “Journalism’s next disruptor: Love,” by Jennifer Brandel. As part of Nieman Lab’s annual series of predictions, the article explores the concept of love as an underutilized force in the media landscape. It highlights how news often focuses on negativity and crisis, overshadowing the impact of love and care in our communities. This is where Love Now Media works to redefine narratives by amplifying stories of love at the intersection of social justice, wellness, and equity.

Jos Duncan Asé, our founder, is celebrated for her unique approach to storytelling. Transitioning from an IT professional to a documentary filmmaker and media entrepreneur, Jos has dedicated her career to uncovering and sharing love stories often overlooked by mainstream media. Her journey was catalyzed by personal experiences that revealed the need for a more compassionate and empathetic approach in journalism.

The article emphasizes the importance of incorporating love and care into reporting, not as ‘soft news,’ but as essential elements that bring depth and authenticity to storytelling. This approach not only enriches the content but also positively impacts the lives of those featured and the audience.

The article suggests Love Now Media’s commitment to this cause is playing a role in reshaping the media landscape, encouraging journalists to explore beyond surface-level reporting and delve into the emotional undercurrents that drive human experiences.

We invite you to read the full article on Nieman Lab’s website. Together, we continue to champion love as the driving force behind impactful journalism.