ATTIC Youth Center and PhillyBOLT Invest In Youth to Future-Proof Philly

Philly’s youth are often at the center of news stories. They lead as protesters, activists, and organizers. They disrupt the status quo by riding motorbikes through the streets. They challenge definitions of identity and force us to evaluate whether the world we’ve designed does what it’s supposed to do. Yet, without guidance, support, and investment, youth are critically vulnerable due to a lack of safe places, housing, and education.

Building Hope in Philadelphia Neighborhoods Under Siege – MindSite News

Former student Jadera Wright walks past the school’s familiar painted logo and flyers for construction apprenticeship programs, AmeriCorps assignments and notices for licensing tests. Wright, a recent YouthBuild Philly graduate who is currently working in security, smiles as she greets former classmates and people like the school’s lead social worker, Samantha Cranford, or Miss Sam as she’s known to her students.