Love is a call to action and a challenge to tell new stories

The COVID-19 pandemic has created space for the movers and shakers of the world to slow down and assess what we value. Before the pandemic, we knew that there was a disconnect between mainstream news narratives and Black communities. Almost a year into the pandemic, we have experienced a multitude of moments that have crystallized the need for a shift in how stories are served up. Journalists, editors, and news leaders have held an elevated sense of power that has led to stigmatizing, extracting, and disregarding people who too often were experiencing pain, or lacking resources due to systemic disparities. 

For too long, headlines have lacked humanity. But, having time to sit down and watch, socialize, and interrogate stories and news has been enlightening. Communities that used to brush by harmful headlines had time this year. They spoke out, held outlets accountable, and demanded better storytelling. News outlets are now trying to diversify. They’re thinking of ways to engage more deeply with communities of color and to be more responsible for the headlines and stories they publish. 

At Love Now Media, we’ve realized that the lens we have explored through our work, just might serve this moment of a search for new stories. Founded in 2016, we have an opportunity to explore a new framework that is rooted in love and empathy. 

We are asking questions and our first question is – what if we commit to telling stories with heart? That leads us to think about who we entrust with that duty. We ask – what if we employ storytellers, that do not have haughty Ivy League j-school degrees, but instead, have deep connections to the people they are telling stories about? What if we also work with experienced journalists looking to be more on the ground, with the freedom to breathe and be human in their work. What if? 

These are the questions we are asking. We invite you to come along for the ride as we discover the answers together. 

Stay tuned.