On Passion and Purpose: Back to School with StoryCorps 

Sharon Brangman, Ruby Brangman, and Jenna Lester in 1988, when Jenna was three months old. Courtesy of the Brangman family.

After a long, hot summer, it’s Back to School season in Philadelphia. At Love Now Media, we’re celebrating the end of a full season with our Young Professional Storytellers, a group of incredible students who staff our broadcast projects and host/produce ‘Dinner with Friends,’ an original podcast. 

We’re proud of all they’ve accomplished this summer, and celebrate the intention that is required to see every opportunity as a learning experience. Through their insight and contributions, we are able to commit to an ethic of intergenerational learning – something that is core to our brand and values. 

In the same vein, lineage and intergenerational conversation are a cornerstone of the traditional StoryCorps interview: often, families share stories of life and learning, and we’ve enjoyed listening in on the ways that Black families and friends recount growing together. 

This week, we’re highlighting the story of Dr. Jenna Lester and Dr. Sharon Brangman, two New York women who carry a legacy of healing. At 10 years old, Brangman knew she wanted to be a doctor and recounts in this story what it was like to attend medical school as one of few Black students. Her mother, Ruby Brangman, was one of the first black nurse practitioners in the state of New York. Her daughter, Dr. Lester, echoes this clarity of purpose. 

Together, these women share a love of learning that inspired us this week. We invite you to give their story a listen – it’s a powerful narrative that we believe will inspire you, too, as we prepare for another school year. 

You can listen to the full story below:


This is the second in a series of short editorials that highlight powerful and positive Black stories from our partners at StoryCorps. This post and accompanying audio appear with the permission of StoryCorps, a non-profit organization whose mission is to help us believe in each other by illuminating the humanity and possibility in us all — one story at a time. Find out more about their programming, including their upcoming initiative Brightness in Black, at storycorps.org

The audio story was first aired on NPR’s Morning Edition on January 26, 2018. You can read more here.