Announcing Love Now Media’s 2023 Love Ambassadors

We are thrilled to introduce the 2023 Love Ambassadors!

Love Now Media’s ambassadorship initiative celebrates people who are LOVERs of life, themselves and their communities. Following the initial launch and announcement of the ‘22 Love Ambassadors, we will engage the brilliance of our ‘23 Love Ambassadors over the course of the year by amplifying their stories and work, and featuring them as part of our programming. We will also offer promotional support to the Love Now Media community for their mission-driven work and impact in Philadelphia. 

Each of the Love Ambassadors’ unique life paths has molded them into LOVERs–folks who lead, learn and lean in with love. They have demonstrated the use of their influence and platform(s) to be an act of love to advocate for justice, wellness, and/or equity. 

Meet them. Know them. Connect with them. Love with them.

Marquise Richards is a podcaster, educator, and activist in the Philly area. His work primarily focuses on creating space for the most marginalized in our community, expanding our ideas on masculinity, and ultimately creating more access for our community through intentional dialogue.

How has empathy impacted your approach to your work and the community you serve?

Empathy plays a major part in everything that I do. As an educator and activist, I have to remain in a statement of empathy in order to serve others. This allows me to learn how to show up for others, make different considerations based on any decision that I make, and be collaborative in everything that I do. This approach allows people to assume the best of me, but I know that grace can be provided in a multitude of ways.

How do you lead with love?

I lead with love through patience and accountability. I know that life is a process that we’re all trying to navigate. Patience is required in each and every facet of my life because I am consistently asking for us to be more mindful, but we have so many things that we have to learn about ourselves. Accountability ensures that behaviors and ideas can be changed or follow through has to happen on my part. Each demonstrates love in a way that may not be recognized immediately, but it is worth it on the other side.

What does it mean to you to Love Now? 

To Love Now means to show up as my most authentic self. It gives people the space to show up for me in the ways that I need it, but it also allows me to give permission to others who may not think that they can show up in their best way. Stay present, ask questions, and make space.

If your love could change anything in your lifetime, what change would you hope to see? Why?

One thing that I would love to change in my lifetime is our approach to restoring harm in our communities. We have such a punitive way of approaching harm or “crime,” but nothing is preventing it from happening. I would love for us to think about different ways to allow community to lead with empathy before getting the police involved. I want to know how to reimagine public safety and start leaning into community much more.

Tiffany Tavarez (she/her/hers) serves as Senior Vice President of Diverse Segments, Representation and Inclusion within Technology’s Diversity, Community and Sustainability (DCS) organization at Wells Fargo.  This group prioritizes an intentional focus on people, culture, and sustainability to help drive a multi‑year transformation and ensure the company’s growth as an employer of choice. Within these efforts, Tiffany leads the Technology DE&I Council Technology’s strategic approach to global workforce outcomes of representation, mobility and inclusion as well as executes a high-impact communications strategy plan for brand awareness. She also serves as Commissioner for the Pennsylvania Commission for Women; Chair, Board of Directors for Monument Lab; Member of the Board of Directors for Esperanza and Co-chair of the Children’s Scholarship Fund Campaign Committee. Lastly, she was recently named a 2023 Marshall Memorial Fellow (MMF). MMF is the German Marshall Fund’s flagship leadership development program created to introduce a new generation of leaders from all sectors who facilitate knowledge and network development for effective transatlantic engagement between the United States and the European Union.

How has empathy impacted your approach to your work and the community you serve?

Empathy enables me to center individuals and communities in a way that informs me how they want to be engaged and what they need to thrive. Often, those who gain access to power, resources and influence also believe it increases their proximity to know what is right and best for those people and places they are most removed from. Leading with empathy erodes the idea we need leaders to “empower” others.  I am not the light you need to see in the dark as much as I am a mirror that reflects the light already within you. People are not perfect but the trust you can build with them can be.

How do you lead with love?

I cannot lead with love for others if I do not practice that service for myself first, that is why I choose chronic self-conviction over chronic self-doubt and self-preservation over self-care. Leading with love is leading with gratitude for those who have helped shape me, whether or not they know it. It is important to be generous with what I love and audacious in how I share it so that people understand the standards I have for myself will always be far greater than those anyone else can impose on me. Additionally, in having accepted the fact that our race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, religion, complexion, zip code, citizenship status, and income will be a constant indicator of how well we will do in this life and how long we will get to live it, I know that none of those variables will ever determine how I treat you or how I love you. If any part of where you come from or how you identify impacts what love someone believes you deserve, then they do not honor love’s opportunity nor value its purpose.

What does it mean to you to Love Now? 

There is an urgency by which we need to address the current deficit of love for the sake of our spiritual, emotional, and physiological survival. The impact of denied human connection runs parallel to what happens to us when basic needs (i.e. food, water, shelter) are not met. We cannot survive if we are not surrounded by love – from others or ourselves. Compassion costs emotional currency by those who place value on indifference. Tomorrow is not granted to us; love accordingly.

If your love could change anything in your lifetime, what change would you hope to see? Why?

There are so many things I would hope for. First, love does not survive alone. Love without expression, truth, respect, consistency, intentionality, grace, or consideration is not love. Second, I hope there is reciprocity and abundance in the love I give – and receive – so that it can inspire others who have lost faith in love’s power. Third, I hope the way I honor myself encourages others to invest in their own evolution without having to disparage anyone else’s journey in the process. Last but not least, I hope those who have been most marginalized, most silenced, most under-served believe they are worthy of the most radical, just love. One cannot receive what they don’t believe should be given to them. Be prepared for the love you ask for and have enough love for yourself to ask for it.

Deleqúa is a singer, actress, and philanthropist born in Maryland. The arts have always been a love and passion of hers. Though she has performed in stageplays throughout the course of her career,  Deleqúa’s first love is music. To date, she has released two albums, six singles and done countless live performances all while amplifying  her message to lead with LOVE.

How has empathy impacted your approach to your work and the community you serve?

Sharing the same experiences definitely shaped that for me. Because of the shared experience, it drives me to continue to spread love because it’s truly the most powerful force on earth.

How do you lead with love?

It varies from situation to situation, but loving yourself definitely helps in leading with love. You start to exude that when you’re always practicing or with yourself. That’s number one!

What does it mean to you to Love Now? 

To be present and know that this universe is much bigger than you. We’re all here for a reason. Always be open to where love leads you. Whatever it is that you do should be rooted in love so that it can have the effect it is designed for.

If your love could change anything in your lifetime, what change would you hope to see? Why?

I always say I would demolish negativity in ALL of its forms. I understand duality but I strongly believe love is the most powerful.

Seraiah Nicole is a national performing artist born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her debut album “The Truth Is” is a combination of poetry, hip-hop, and soulful vocals that speak truth to power. She delivers vitalizing vocals, powerful poetry & passionate interactive performances. As seen on the Philadelphia 76ers, PBS, WHYY, Urban Outfitters, ABC6, NBC10, PHL17 & WURD to name a few. The singer/songwriter states, “The creator of all things, God, has given gifts to us all. It is my duty to use my gift to acknowledge God & encourage the world.”

How has empathy impacted your approach to your work and the community you serve?

Empathy has impacted my approach to art because love is the root of my art. It’s the fuel to what I do. I love to meet people and have a true human connection. So empathy is imperative to me.

How do you lead with love?

By starting my days with prayer & gratitude. Holding & spreading that energy throughout the day.

What does it mean to you to Love Now? 

To love now means to embody the Godly essence today.

If your love could change anything in your lifetime, what change would you hope to see? Why?

 I could change anything in my lifetime I would like to see people approach life with a love mindset. Where I’m from everyone is taught to compete instead of collaborate, hate instead of love. We need more of a love mindset to spread healing & growth all around.

Stay tuned for more on their ambassadorship work throughout 2023!