Mike, take a bow. A love story by Bunmi Samuel Mike, take a bow. Let’s tell a story in your honor. An origin story from one part of your life. You lived many successfully. History is important. Context is important. Roots Run Deep. Deep origin stories. There are many; here we go. Mike was all […]

Following Bill Cosby’s release, wellness advocates push for Consent Culture

Rape culture is a culture in which sexual violence is treated as the norm and projects blame for sexual assaults on the victims’ behavior, appearance,  or profession while exempting or excusing perpetrators of assault from accountability for the violence they’ve inflicted and and harm they’ve caused. Educators for Consent Culture, has been working to raise awareness about consent culture.

Reawakening: Bridging gaps to jumpstart life after incarceration

While Radee Hammett was incarcerated, he witnessed a tragic act of violence that shifted his perspective on the value of his life. He is now a community leader, who uses his experience with incarceration to bridge the gap between prison life and the outside.