In the Push to Keep Children With Kin and out of Foster Care, Are Families Heard?
By Steve Volk, Next City
Kids face less long-term trauma when they live with kin instead of foster families. Yet despite promising kinship placement models elsewhere and signs of improvement, Philadelphia’s child welfare system still appears biased against families.
Post Pandemic Work Includes Wellness as a Priority
By Kristin Holmes
Ten years ago, the anxiety and sleeplessness, stress and migraines, came while Crawford worked her way up from call center to management at Verizon. But last year, she was working for herself in the midst of a pandemic.
Small Doses, Big Difference: How a young Philadelphia Artist creatively addresses mental health and wellness
By Syreeta Martin
For folks who are navigating a global pandemic and life, the hour-long therapeutic art session run by 25 year-old Isis Kirton via Zoom provides just that: a moment of ease.
Colin Powell helped shape my definition of love
Prior to receiving the fellowship, I hadn’t known much about Colin Powell outside of his work with George W. Bush and I was not a fan of either man. However, when I learned that Colin Powell was also once a student at City College of New York, I became more interested in his journey.
What happens when a victim of gun violence is blamed for their own death?
By Denise Clay-Murray
Some victims of gun violence are blamed for their own death. Families often challenge ambiguous policies to get financial help in the aftermath.
Dear Freedom Seeker (A love letter to Haitians)
By Carlo Campbell
Dear freedom seeker, refugee from hate, migrant from the lands of injustice…
Freedom Is A Birth Right (A Love Letter to Haitians)
By Lindo Yes
When I see you
I realize my want for freedom
Has always been a need for freedom
Never an ask
A demand
Kile Li Fini (A love letter to Haitians)
By Kim Russell
To our Haitian brethren, We are heartbroken to see the despair you are in. Humbly, you braved the elements of Mother Nature, only to be faced with the disastrous nature of humans.
Hidden Costs: Gun Violence, Mental Health & Financial Stress
Mental health and post traumatic stress bear a hidden cost in the aftermath of gun violence.
Peace Day prevails in Philly
Ashack and Drum Circle, Photo provided by Peace Day Philly In this world, so much is out of our individual control, so beginning our days with positive affirmations is a small, yet important step toward reclaiming our power, while striving to move through our daily routines in peace. As a trained social worker wanting to […]