
This Short Film About A Philly Sports Team’s Protest Reminds Us to Say Sonya Massey’s Name

On this, the first day of the Paris Olympics, and in the wake of this week’s amplified awareness around the death of Sonya Massey, I am reminded of this team of young Black girls, ranging in age from 5 to 19, and their activism for Black Women and Girls.This film shows us what love looks like when it’s put into action in the midst of turmoil and uncertainty. It’s not just warm feelings and kind words. It’s empowerment. It’s education. It’s standing up and speaking out, even when your voice shakes.

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Love Now Magazine

Oshunbumi Fernandez-West & The Legacy of Odunde

In many ways, Fernandez-West’s life mirrors her mother’s. “Bumi wants to see everyone win,” says Radeen Scott, a friend since kindergarten. Like Lois, “Bumi does so much behind the scenes, whether it’s clothe people’s children, pay someone’s bills….she’s mentored so many girls behind the scenes.” Those acts of kindness and generosity were ingrained in Fernandez-West simply by watching how her mother moved through the world. It surprised no one that two years ago, when Kesha Simpson, Fernandez-West’s best friend, was dying of breast cancer, Bumi didn’t think twice about taking in Kesha’s two children.

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Love Now Media: May-July Round-up

Love Now Media has been buzzing with activity this summer. If you’ve been following us on our social media, you’ve likely caught glimpses of our productions and projects. From facilitating stories from our community of Woman’s Way Fellows to spearheading tools and events for industry players in the city of Philadelphia, our team has been collectively helping to empower and transform the media landscape. Here’s a small taste of our summer.

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Love Now Magazine

The Sister Stewards of Dope Botanicals

“We created a space that we always wanted to come to,” says Taahirah. “It’s so important for us to put our point of view out there as Black women. We have a specific point of view of herbalism, and sometimes that’s overshadowed, or it doesn’t get a storefront.”

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Love Now Magazine

Love & Release: The Cry Log

For some time, though, I resisted this truth about myself. I wanted to put distance between myself and stereotypes of women of color as being unable to handle their emotions. I thought that crying meant I was volatile and unstable. I considered bursting into tears to be a weakness, to be something embarrassing and unwanted. And people told me this, too, saying I needed to grow a thicker skin because I was “too sensitive” and thus “illogical.”

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